Beginner’s Guide to Custom Fonts in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1) (2024)

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The Problem

Want to use a font that is not available from Squarespace?

Squarespace offers a lot of fonts to choose from, but what if your brand font is not on the list? There is no native way to add a custom font in Squarespace, however with a bit of Custom Code, you are good to go!

On the Squarespace forum, I have seen and helped a lot of users that have troubles with using custom fonts for their websites. Hopefully by the end of this tutorial, you will be confident in using custom fonts for your website!

I suggest reading through the step-by-step, but if your custom font is still not working, here is a list of Top 5 Reasons why Custom Fonts are not working in Squarespace.

Hope this helps!

Upload and use a custom font in SquareSpace

For this step-by-step tutorial, I will be using a free font I found from FontSquirrel. The custom font in my example is Montserrat. Don’t forget to replace this with your own font name!

Web font - when purchasing a font, make sure you choose the Web Font version. Anything else like a Desktop version will not work for a website!

Font file format you can use in SquareSpace, in preferred order:

  • .woff2

  • .woff

  • .otf/.ttf

Step 0 - Prepare your font file

In your font package, you should have at minimum a .oft/.ttf font file. Additionally you might have .woff/.woff2 font file.

If you have a .woff2 font file, go to Step 1.

If you don’t have a .woff2 font file in your font package, you can generate one from your .oft/.ttf font file.

Unless you have specific requirements, it is recommended to use the latest font file format. The format .woff2 has the smallest file size (optimised performance) and covers the widest set of web browsers.

If your font package doesn’t include this file, you can go to the free Webfont Generator by FontSquirrel. Upload your .otf or .ttf file, and it will generate a .woff2 (and .woff) file for you.

Note: only do this if you have the correct licensing. If you’re not sure that you can use or convert your font file, skip this step. Or check and come back to this.

Step 1 - Upload font file

Go to Custom CSS. You can find it here; Website -> Website Tools (it’s under the Utilities section) -> Custom CSS.

SquareSpace upload custom font file

Upload your custom font files

  1. Click on Custom Files

  2. Click on Add images or fonts

  3. Upload your font file

  4. Your uploaded font file will appear here

Step 2 - Load the font file

You now need to tell Squarespace you want to use a new font family, and where to find the font file.

  • Copy and paste this code into your Custom CSS

@font-face {
    font-family: 'YOUR FONT NAME HERE';
    src: url(YourFontURL.woff2);
  • Change font-family to your font name

Custom CSS code for loading a custom font to Squarespace.

Note: The font-family is the name you will refer to your custom font by, name it something sensible.

  • Add your uploaded font file to the url

Custom CSS code for loading a custom font to SquareSpace - add font file url

The easiest way to add the url of your font file is to:

  1. Delete everything within the url brackets, to get url().

  2. Click between the bracket, so the cursor is between the bracket.

  3. Keeping the cursor there, click on your uploaded font file. Custom Files -> font file -> click.

  4. The font file url will be automatically pasted into Custom CSS, inside url().

Step 3 - Using your custom font

This is a list of text styles and their corresponding CSS Selectors that are used in Squarespace:

Text style CSS Selector

Heading 1


Heading 2


Heading 3


Heading 4


Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 3


Depending on which text style you want to apply your custom font to, above is a list of CSS selectors you will need.

Example - change Heading 1 text

h1 {
    font-family: 'Montserrat';

Example - change all Heading text

h1, h2, h3, h4 {
    font-family: 'Montserrat';

Example - change all Paragraph text

.sqsrte-large, p, .sqsrte-small {
    font-family: 'Montserrat';

Example - only change it for one text block

#your_blockid h1 {
    font-family: 'Montserrat';

Not Working?

Head over to this post to find the Top 5 Reasons why Custom Fonts are not working in Squarespace.


-> Get expert help on Custom Font.

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Need my help?


Over a decade in tech, worked on over 150+ Squarespace sites, including answering questions on the Squarespace Forum.

Melody Lee

Squarespace Web Developer | Custom Code Specialist

Over a decade in tech, she loves the simplicity of Squarespace combined with the freedom of Custom Code to create any designs for a website.

Need help? Get in touch today.

UK-based, work with me from anywhere

5 Reasons why Custom Fonts are not working in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1) (2024)


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